Prout Bridge, Beaminster, Dorset
This short road about 200 yards long on the southern approach to the town
from Bridport has quite a relationship with the Hann family.
It is where there was a bridge on the Bridport road where the River Brit
and the tributaries from the north of Beaminster meet, opposite
No. 12. Until at least the Second World
War the name Prout Bridge seems to have referred to an area of
Beaminster centred on the junction of Bridport Road, Whitcombe
Road and Prout Bridge (road), the last two of which I believe
share the distinction of being the only main roads in Beaminster
that have never had street nameplates. In the censuses for
1841-1871 this 200 yard section and the Whitcombe Road section
appear as part of East Street, by 1881 Whitcombe Road is still
East Street, but Prout Bridge is now South Street. On
the Ordnance Survey map for 1889 Prout Hill and Whitcombe Road are
the names shown, though the 1891 census had seen them referred
to as Prout Bridge and East Street, there also being a
mysterious 'High Street' with 239 residents that has East Street
at both ends of its records whose occupants appear as East
Street in 1901, so this may be modern-day East Street which on
the 1889 Ordnance Survey map was shown as High Street.
In 1901 and 1911 the confusion continues as Whitcombe Road
appears as Whitcombe Road then East Street again and Prout
Bridge seems to include Whitcombe Road and part of Bridport Road
in 1911. Shortly after there is reference to Prout Bridge
Hill and Prout Bridge Street in newspapers. At the time of the
1939 National Register (a bit like the 1911 census) the name
appears to refer to the area again as residents of properties in
Whitcombe Road and Bridport Road are still also recorded under
Prout Bridge. At some time
in the 1980s probably as the bridge over the River Brit had long not
been visible and because of its incline, Prout Hill had come
more to prominence and
properties were either addressed as x Prout Bridge, Prout Hill.
or recorded as such by the local district council planning
department. By the turn of the century the names had become
synonymous and Prout Hill appears to have been adopted in official
planning records, though I believe even now there are no street nameplates to identify
these roads in the Prout Bridge area of town, so
Prout Hill, and Whitcombe Road remain anonymous -
who knows what Beminstrians actually call them or how they will
be recorded in future censuses?
South Street (Prout Bridge?) was the home of Charles Hann from
before 1881 (possibly from 1875 when his father, David Hann, was
recorded as an appraiser and builder) until his death in 1911.
David had moved from Stoke Abbott with his family in the latter
half of the 1850s to live at Prout Bridge but left shortly after
for new premises in East Street before returning to Prout Bridge
around 1875 probably to Brook Lodge (now Hams Plot). David died in
1876 and on 15 August 1879 Charles put Brook Lodge on the market
OR LET with immediate |
possession. The RESIDENCE
known as |
Brook Lodge with the lawn, gardens, pasture land, |
stable, coach-house,
greenhouse, gardeners cottage, |
and premises
adjoining. To view apply
to Mr. |
Charles Hanne,
builder, Beaminster, and
for |
particulars to
Messrs. Loggin and Nantes, Brid- |
port |
In his time David was responsible for the
building of the then new Police Station and Justice Rooms at 6 Prout Bridge (now the Youth Centre), interior restoration works
at St Mary of the Annunciation Church in Beaminster and
supplying the timber that enabled the bells of St Mary the
Virgin Church in Netherbury to be re-hung.. He was also the uncle of John George Hann of
Hann & Co Ltd Brewery. [At a dinner in 1886 Mr PW MacHale the Beaminster
Superintendent of Police said that he had known Charles and his
younger brother Albert since their infancy as it was he who had
persuaded David to move to Beaminster]. Charles eldest brother had returned to Stoke Abbott
around 1859 having married Sarah B Gibbs and lived there,
Mosterton and Shepton Mallet before emigrating to the USA in
1872. Four of his five children, Job Gibbs, Bowden Brown, John
James and Mary Maria, went with him - Emily having died in
infancy in Shepton Mallet. They settled in Grand Rapids,
Michigan where Hugh died as the result of severe injuries
received having been knocked down by a car in 1926
Two schools that David
Hann helped to build. He and Chick did the carpentry for
the Girls' Elementary and National Schools (for infants) in Hogshill Street
in 1868 and David built the Boys' Elementary School at the
workhouse in East Street in 1876. His sons (C & A Hann)
later built the Grammar School in Hogshill Street

Another elder brother George left the family home by the time
the family returned to Prout Bridge, having gone to Wilton in
Wiltshire to marry Louisa Carse. By 1871 they had moved to Govan
in Glasgow where George was a clerk with the Inland Revenue and
later moved to Yorkshire where he died, near Bradford, in 1890.
He had three sons. Reginald George who settled in Leeds and was
an eminent surgeon, dying there in 1962. Arnold Charles who was
sub-governor of the Bank of Egypt and lived in Alexandria where
he died in 1958 and Leonard Carse who was started as a bank
clerk before becoming a school teacher and piano tutor in
Purley. He retired to Bexhill-on-Sea where he died in 1956.
Charles's youngest brother, Edwin had left Prout Bridge in 1888
for Newcastle-upon-Tyne to join the Northumberland Fusiliers
with whom he served until 1891, becoming a builder's clerk in
Bromley-by-Bow on resuming civilian life. He returned to
Beaminster to marry Fanny Sherring in 1892 before moving back to
London and on to Wealdstone where he ran a house furnishings
shop and becoming a company director, then on to Palmers Green.
Following Fanny's death he married Ada Bonner and moved to West
Ham. Ada died in 1940 and he probably went to stay with his
daughter Kathleen Mary Sherring in Kingsbury before dying a year
later. Kathleen's brother Harry Edwin marrying his uncle
Charles's daughter Ellen Louise's daughter Eleanor B Wainwright
(see below)
A report in the 13 October 1899 edition of
The Bridport News stated in the Beaminster news section that:
MESSRS. C. & A. HANN, builders, of this town, have
most successfully carried out the extensive restoration
work at the Frome St. Quintin parish church. The way |
in which they have carried
out their contract has given |
complete satisfaction |
In 1901 Charles's brother Albert (christened at Stoke Abbott on
2 Apr 1858) was living a few doors away in Prout Bridge, their
eldest brother (Hugh 1839-1851) had emigrated to Grand Falls,
Michigan where he had moved from the railroads to a fuel
company. George (1847-1890) had already died, having been an
Inland Revenue clerk in Glasgow and Yorkshire and Edwin
(1863-1941) was doing quite nicely with his house furnishings
business in Wealdstone, London.
When he married Julia Eleanor Venner Prescott in Brighton in
1878, Charles was described as a builder,
probably operating from Prout Bridge, as this is where he was
operating in 1894. By 1883 he had formed a partnership with
his younger brother Albert. They traded as C & A Hann and were
variously described as building contractors, stonemasons,
cabinet makers and lime merchants and had many building projects
around Beaminster including proposals in February 1887 for a new
Town Hall in Fleet Street, restoration work on St Candida and
Holy Cross church at Whitchurch Canonicorum in 1888 the
first part of which was to cost £800 and for work on the Grammar school, placing
advertisements in the Western Gazette for bricklayers in 1891
and walling masons and painters in 1895 to replace
12-20 and 24 Prout Bridge that were severely damaged in the
late-August 1894 flood of the River Brit with the slightly
larger 12 and 18 "Homeleigh" (replacing 12-18) and 20 "Dover
House" and a stone-built 24 "Bridge Cottage".
On 31 December 1886 C&A Hann held a
festive dinner for their employees entertaining 60-70 people. A
short speech by Mr R Toleman remarked on the growth of the firm
and reminded the men that the success of the master was in large
measure due to them as it was only by satisfactory work that was
more obtained. W Trump, W Shapland and M Symes were
praised by Charles as those who had worked longest for the
family in their respective departments when he toasted the men
in response
In December
1887 they also constructed a stage at the Assembly rooms at the
White Hart Hotel, Beaminster for a production by the Bridport
Amateur Dramatic Society in aid of the Beaminster Dorcas Society
'an institution for the relief of the poor' and in July 1893
Membury church in Devon was re-opened following a renovation by
C & A Hann which had cost £1300
The Public Hall built to commemorate Queen
Victoria's Silver Jubilee in 1887. The proposal to build
being seconded by Charles Hann. As yet I have been unable
to ascertain whether he was responsible for its erection.

Prout Bridge: following the 1894
flood and the 1896/1897 rebuild. Only No. 22 (with green
shutters) remained unchanged
When the Bishop of Sherborne consecrated the
New Burial Ground at Holy
Trinity church in Shortmoor, Beaminster, on 24 August 1894
it was recorded that 'the contractors (Messrs C&A Hann) have
given great satisfaction by the way in which the work has been
carried out'
On 31 August 1894 a cricket match was held
at Chedington Court between the married and single employees of
C&A Hann. The teams were married: James Sartin, John
Sartin, H Davis, A Sartin, W Sartin, J Spearing, F Hexton, J
Welby, H Sartin, J Sartin and W Swaffield. Single: B Sartin, H Hawkins, C Wareham, J Smith, E Gosney, F Warry, P Sartin, B Paul, A Shutler, A Loveless and F Loveless.
The single team scored 56 and the married 34
Between January 1896 and October 1899 (if
not longer) C&A Hann also provided coffins and acted as undertakers.
A report in the Bridport News for 17 January 1896 stating that
they arranged the whole of the funeral of Rev Canon (Alfred)
Percy Codd, Vicar of Beaminster and his burial at Holy Trinity
Church having met the train from Salisbury at Crewkerne,
conveyed the coffin to Tunnel Road where the mourners formed the
cortege to St Mary's Church where the body was placed in the
chancel during the service. It was then borne in
procession headed by the choir to Holy Trinity Church for burial
In Aug 1903 Messrs Hann
of Beaminster gifted a new flag staff for the tower of St John
Baptist Church at Membury, Devon which they had repaired, 'the
manner of whose work had given great satisfaction' and up
to March 1906 did chancel work for the Ecclesiastical
Commissioners at St John the Evangelist and All Saints Church at Kingstone, Somerset
Having previously constructed the New Burial Ground (now
Beaminster Cemetery) at Shortmoor, their
work culminating in the erection of the 'Julia' in The Square.
This was commissioned by Vincent Joseph Robinson CIE of Parnham
House, Beaminster in memory of Elizabeth Julia Robinson and is a
memorial over 20 feet high and 16 feet across, shaped like a
market cross. It was handed over to Beaminster Parish Council by
Mr Robinson on 9 April 1906.

The premises at Prout Bridge in the
days of C&A Hann and in the early 2000s
The 'Julia' in The Square, the last work completed by C&A
Hann, builders

Just before the handover an official notice
in 'The Western Gazette' recorded that the two
brothers and their sons would be going their separate ways in business
and the partnership between C
Hann and A Hann, Builders Etc, of Beaminster, Dorset under the
style of C & A Hann had been dissolved.
heretofore existing
between us |
the undersigned, CHARLES HANN and ALBERT |
HANN, carrying on Business as BUILDERS, CON- |
STER, in the County of Dorset, under the style or |
Firm of "C. & A. HANN," WILL BE DISSOLVED, by |
Consent, as from the 31st
Day of March, 1906 |
The said CHARLES HANN will henceforth CARRY ON |
BRIDGE, BEAMINSTER, under the style of "CHAS.
& C. HANN," and the said ALBERT HANN will hence- |
at FLEET STREET, BEAMINSTER, under the style |
of "ALBERT HANN & SONS," both Parties Trading
and Irrespectively of Each Other |
Dated, this 26th day of March, 1906 |
Three days before the handover Albert
placed a notice in the Western Gazette advertising his new
MARCH 29TH, 1906. |
SIR (or MADAM),- The Firm of C. & A. HANN
now carrying on business as Builders, Contractors,
and Lime Merchants, at Beaminster, of which I have for |
the past 25 years been a member, having been dissolved by |
mutual consent, as from the 21st MARCH instant, I beg to |
inform you that it is my intention after that date to carry |
on business, on precisely the same lines as before, in the |
name of
and I hope that I may look for a large share of the support |
which has hitherto been so kindly accorded to my old firm. |
I have had much experience in all branches of the Build- |
ing Trade, and, having secured suitable premises and a |
competent staff of workmen and assistants, I have full |
confidence that, by strict attention to business, I shall give |
entire satisfaction to all my customers
My new Firm will be prepared to CONTRACT FOR NEW |
BUILDINGS of any Description, and also to carry out |
PAINTING, &c., well and expediently, and I solicit the |
favour of your custom and support. |
Your obedient Servant
On 25 May 1906 the following notice appeared in the
Western Gazette
--------------- |
--------------- |
MR. E. S. W. DALE will, in consequence of the |
Dissolution of Partnership or the old established |
Firm of C. & A. HANN, Builders, &c., of Beaminster, |
Dorset, SELL by AUCTION, absolutely Without Reserve, |
on MONDAY next, MAY 28th, 1906, the Valuable and Exten- |
connection with the Business. The Plant includes a 3½ |
horse -power gas engine (by Crossley) ; a combined circular |
and hand saw (by Reynolds) ; a horizontal steam- saw (by |
Samson, Bridport) ; an
American boring machine ; lathe ;
pit and cross-cut saws ; a one-horse timber carriage ; a |
practically new tip cart ; hand carts ; portable offices ; a
large quantity of scaffolding, &c., &c. |
Also the OFFICE FITTINGS, which include a massive |
fire-proof safe (by Chubb) ; level ; nests of drawers, &c. |
The STOCK- IN- TRADE comprises ;- 20 sticks of well- |
seasoned oak, and elm timber, of good dimension ; oak, |
ash, elm, and pine boards, of all lengths and sizes ;
sanitary |
and other fittings ; large quantity of Ham stone, tiles, &c, &c. |
The whole (with the exception of the Fixed Machinery, |
Round Timber and Quarry Plant) will, for the convenience |
of Sale, be removed to a field in Whitcombe Road, Bea- |
minster and will be on view on SATURDAY, May 26th, and |
Morning of Sale. The Fixed Machinery and Round Timber |
may be inspected at Mr. C. HANN'S Premises, Prout Bridge, |
and the Quarry Plant at the Lime Kilns, Stinsford Lane, |
Beaminster |
Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock sharp. |
Catalogues can be obtained upon application to the |
AUCTIONEER, Church Street, Beaminster |
As advised in the dissolution notice Charles also continued in business
at Prout Bridge with his son Charles Carpenter
Hann as Chas & C Hann, though by 31 March 1910 ithe new firm appears to
have been in trouble as debts were being requested to be paid to ESW
Dale of Beaminster. On 14 April 1910 it was petitioning for bankruptcy at
Dorchester. This enabled Charles to take a short period of retirement before he
died on 14 July 1911, aged 59 years.
When Albert next appears in local
directories on 1911-1912 as a builder, contractor, stone mason and lime burner,
he is trading as Albert Hann & Sons of Fleet Street, Beaminster. This
is believed to possibly be the premises later occupied by C Symes & Son
(Builders, Contractors and Undertakers) and later by R G Spiller Ltd (Painters
and Carpenters), which is now the
site of 24 Fleet Street By the 1911 census Charles's family had moved to 12 The Square (between the
'Greyhound' and the 'Red Lion' where his daughter Florence Sarah (1886-1991) ran
a stationer's and lending library. Charles Carpenter having taken over his
father's role as Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector to Beaminster Board of
Guardians and District Council.

By 1912 the Prout Bridge
premises had been taken over by Albert's sons to run a new enterprise - the Beaminster Motor Company,
manager Cecil Collins Hann (born 17 Aug 1891), Albert's second
son. The garage was being advertised as "Sole district agents
for the 'GWK' light cars; repairs, overhauling and
vulcanising" and operating from the front of Prout Bridge.
Bridge in the days of the Beaminster Garage (CC Hann). It is believed that
the front car (with Cecil Collins's trade plates) was being driven by Cecil
Collins and the other by Albert Percy, with Arthur Ernest at its side. The
same site in the early 2000s
On 23 May 1912 it started a 14-seat 'motor brake' (as a
forerunner of the bus) between Beaminster, Bridport and
Crewkerne. This was in competition with the existing horse
omnibus from Bridport to Crewkerne, the horse-drawn mail van
between Beaminster and Bridport and the the newly-introduced
night motor mail van service from Bridport to Ilminster. Both
mail services were passenger-carrying. The omnibus and night
mail operating out of Bridport.
The horse omnibus operated Bridport (dep) 09:20, Beaminster (dep)
10:25, Crewkerne (arr) 11:20 (dep) 14:40, Beaminster (arr)
15:35, Bridport (arr) 14:35; the day mail Beaminster (dep)
10:45, Bridport (arr) 11:30 (dep) 14:30, Beaminster (arr) 15:15
though this was amended to two journey per day Beaminster (dep)
10:35, Bridport (dep) 14:15, with an evening return fromr
Beaminster; the night mail operated Bridport (dep) 19:05,
Beaminster (arr) 19:40, Beaminster (dep) 21:25. The return
journey getting back to Beaminster at 05:00
By operating out of Beaminster via Bridport, Cecil was able to
fit in two return trips to Bridport and one to Crewkerne each
day as his timetable was Beaminster (dep) 09:30, Bridport (arr)
10:00 (dep) 10:20, Beaminster (arr) 10:40 (dep) 10:50, Crewkerne
(arr) 11:20 (dep) 14:40, Beaminster (arr) 15:10 (dep) 15:20,
Bridport (arr) 15:45 (dep) 16:30, Beaminster (arr) 17:00. This
meant that he was able to provide a Bridport-Beaminster service
between the horse omnibus and the day mail and again between the
day and night mails. It also meant that he provided the earliest
morning service from Beaminster to Bridport and just pipped the
afternoon horse omnibus with his much faster service
It's not known whether it was due to it's success or in an
attempt to gain more passengers but on 29 Jul 1912 the motor
brake service was extended to Taunton with amended timings -
Beaminster (dep) 09:00, Bridport (arr) 09:25 (dep) 09:30,
Beaminster (dep) 10:00, Taunton (arr) 12:20 (dep) 15:00,
Beaminster (dep) 19:10, Bridport (arr) 19:45 (dep) 20:00,
Beaminster (arr) 20:30. However this meant that on the
Beaminster-Bridport service lost out on passengers to the
earlier omnibus and faced fiercer opposition from the increased
motorised day mail services
At some time during 1912 Albert Percy (Albert's eldest son)
moved to Earl's Court in London and started designing cars for the Norma Car and
Engineering Company of Ravenscourt Square, Hammersmith and on 30 Sep 1912 Albert moved his
Fleet Street business back to his old
premises at the rear of Prout Bridge. A few weeks later Cecil
operated a special evening excursion to Bridport, possibly to
gauge the market for people wishing to visit the new cinema
An advertisement for the Norma car from the 24 November
1913 issue of the Light Car and Cyclecar magazine
Presumably the increase in revenue from passengers gained by
extending to Taunton did not offset that lost to the earlier
services as on 9 Feb 1913 the Tuesday and Thursday Taunton
services were cut and on these days only a direct Beaminster to
Crewkerne evening service ran, Cecil having lost most of his
Beaminster-Bridport traffic on these days
The motor brake service continued to suffer from lower than
anticipated support and was eventually withdrawn altogether on
21 March 1913. The motor omnibus service continued for a while
while the motor mail services continued to both operate until
the night mail was withdrawn during the Great War and not
There was a entry in the Beaminster section of the 28 March 1913 edition of the Western Gazette
ants of this neighbourhood will learn with much
regret from the notice appearing in another column
that the Beaminster, Bridport and Taunton motor
service has been discontinued. This service has
undoubtedly supplied a longfelt want, but not having
received the support anticipated the cars have been |
removed to another section of the district. |
There followed a period of scandal within the family
(or possibly brotherly assistance). By then,
Albert Percy,
Albert's eldest son, had become a consulting engineer and
through his new contacts met Florence Mary Magdalen FitzPatrick,
whom he married at Kensington Register Office in London on 26 Feb
1913. A marriage witnessed by Brooklands Flying School-trained
Sir Henry Robert Moore Brooke-Popham, commander of 3 Squadron,
Royal Flying Corps. Within a month the Western Gazette was
reporting that he was leaving for Singapore to take up an
engineering appointment in the Malay Peninsula. Whether Florence
went with him or
whether it was a short-term contract and she stayed in London is
unknown, but in Aug 1914 when Cecil Collins signed up for the
Royal Flying Corps he was recorded as being an engineer working
in Kuala Lumpur
Within 6 days of the outbreak of the Great War on 4 Aug 1914 ,
Cecil Collins had enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps as an
aircraftman. Within the month Charles Carpenter had become an
air mechanic with the Royal Navy Air Service and by 1 October,
Albert Percy had returned to the UK and re-enlisted as an Acting
Lieutenant of the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve and was posted to
the staff of the Commander-in-Chief China, but within months was
a Temporary Lieutenant assigned to the HMS Victory payroll in Portsmouth, acting as
Transport Officer. The following month he transferred as a full
Lieutenant to the Royal Marines with Transport and Supply
responsibilities for the Royal Naval Division at Portsmouht
before being posted to HMS Triumph.
Triumph was torpedoed and
sunk in May 1915 and he returned to his family home in
Twickenham awaiting a new posting. This came in June as a
probationary Flight Sub Lieutenant for temporary service with
the Royal Navy Air Service at RN Airship Station Wormwood Scrubs
but his commission was cancelled in August and he returned to
his new home in Belgravia and served on HMS President as
assistant to a Lieutenant Bird.
On 10 August 1915 Cecil Collins, having been a sergeant with 1
Squadron, had joined Robert Brooke-Popham with 3 Squadron, Royal
Flying Corps as a Lieutenant, the Beaminster Garage Company
being now run by Albert and his mechanic, assisted by the
youngest son, Arthur Ernest (born 28 Jul 1902) and daughter
Edith Constance. In Cecil
Collins's absence the accommodation at the garage was used by a
group of refugees from Belgium.
It then became apparent that in April 1914, Albert Percy's wife
was said to
have been more friendly with Cecil Collins than a wife should be
in room 233 of the Bonnington Hotel in Holborn and in November
1915 Albert Percy filed for divorce citing Cecil Collins as
co-respondent. He then regained his commission and rejoined the
Royal Navy Reserve for service with balloons and airships at
Wormwood Scrubs in March 1916 . I have been unable to trace his
wife either before or after the marriage, so assume that she was
foreign-based and returned home after the divorce
On 22 October 1916 Cecil Collins was killed in action whilst
flying as an observer out of Lahoussoye airfield and in May 1917
Albert Percy was invalided out of the RNAS as a result of his
mental exhaustion. He may have returned to Beaminster, but did
not stay long, being employed by HM Office of Works in 1918
before becoming involved in an ill-fated business venture and
being made bankrupt the following year.
By this time the running of Beaminster Garage Company and its
various operations, including an early taxi/private hire service
and later a bus service between Beaminster and Bridport via
Pymore (in competition with the National bus and day mail
services), was in the hands of Albert assisted by Arthur Ernest.
With the war reducing the number of drivers available to the
firm, Arthur Ernest's sister Edith Constance was also involved with the driving of
their cars and in Dec 1916 was charged with speeding at 20mph in
Dorchester. Charles's widow (Julia Eleanor) and daughter
Florence Sarah had by this time moved from 12 The Square to 'Bridge Cottage' at
24 Prout Bridge.
In the early 1920s the re-introduced bus service had been
extended from Bridport to the coast at West Bay and the
Beaminster Garage sign was replaced by a board showing Albert
Hann & Sons - builder and contractor. In telephone directories
of the time the company was referred to as Albert Hann & Sons,
builders and motor engineers
In Kelly's 1920 Directory two entries appeared -
Beaminster Garage Co (the) (Albert Hann, proprietor), agents for
Austin, Vulcan, Angus-Sanderson, Morris-Oxford, Morris-Cowley,
Scripps Booth, Chevrolet, Whitehead, Cubitt, GWK and AC cars,
ABC and Coulson-B motor cycles, mobile pup motor scooters; smart
open & closed cars for hire; official repairers to the AA and
RAC; all repairs, tyres & accesories; sole district agents for
GWK light cars; repairs, overhauling & vulcanizing, The Garage.
TN [telephone number] 10; TA [telegraphic address] "Albert Hann"
Hann, Albert & Sons, builders, contractors & stone masons.
Telegrams, "Albert Hann, Beaminster"; Telephone No. 10

Around this time Arthur Ernest was appointed scoutmaster of the
1st Beaminster Troop, Baden Powell Boy Scouts and became heavily
involved in scouting.
Although appearing of no significance at the time, on 5 April
1922 a branch of the Yeovil carriage and coach-building
business, Hill & Boll, at 71-73 East Street, Bridport became a
limited liability company under the name of Hill & Boll (Bridport)
Ltd. Directors were F W Boll, Knook House, Sturminster Newton
(motor engineer) and S R Edwards snr
*, Jessemine House, West
Bay Road, Bridport (manufacturer). Hill & Boll had developed
'petrol-driven autocars' with Yeovil stationary-engine builder,
Petters, during the 1890s
* this is believed to be
Sidney Richard Edwards from an established Allington/Bridport net and twine
manufacturing family
In Weybridge from 1922 to 1924 Albert Percy, as Tommy Hann, had
been pursuing a career in motor racing and had achieved
remarkable results from his ancient greatly modified 3 litre 25hp
1911 Lanchester Landaulette formerly owned by the authoress Fay
Compton's family, firstly in two-seat format under the name of 'Hoieh-wayaryeh-gointoo'
(Which way are you going to) and later in a remodelled single
seat format as 'Softly catch monkey' on which he adopted his
distinctive broad black and orange striped livery and the HP5
Hann Special 'Handy Andy' based on a 3 litre 1911 Delage. During
this time he was racing and mixing with the names of the day -
Sir Malcolm Campbell, Count Zborowski of 'Chitty Chitty Bang
Bang' fame, Sir Henry Segrave, Kenelm Lee Guinness (founder of
KLG spark plugs), Parry Thomas, AE Moss (Stirling's father) and
Archie Frazer Nash (founder of Frazer-Nash cars). He also had
his own business (at which he lived) in Brooklands called Hann
Partners Ltd which was responsible for the maintenance and
development of a stable of racing cars.
In 1923 Beaminster Garage acquired a 14-seat Model T Ford bus
(registration no. PR 358) and were shown as dealers for Rover,
Standard, Calthorpe, Buick, Chevrolet, Bradshaw, GWK and A1 cars
In 1924, S R Edwards jnr replaced F W Boll as a director of Hill
& Boll (Bridport) Ltd and in October it amalgamated with the
Beaminster Garage Company. Hill & Boll changing its name to
Edwards and Hann Ltd to reflect the new directorship of the
company - S R Edwards snr and Sam Edwards jnr (joint MD) of
Jessemine House, Bridport and Albert (sec) and Arthur E Hann
(joint MD) of Holmleigh, [18 Prout Bridge] Beaminster. At the time the Beaminster
Garage Company was described as Automobile Engineers and Motor
Bus Proprietors: Operators of a Daily bus service for passengers
and parcels between Beaminster, Bridport and West Bay -
frequency 6 times daily. Registered Office 71-73 East Street,
The same year Albert Percy was involved in
an incident in which a female passenger was drowne. This had a great
effect on him and he seems to have retired from motor racing following
The Beaminster Garage continued to trade as such, the monogram
BG (Beaminster Garage) being changed to EAH (Edwards and Hann)
and relocated from the middle to the bottom of the sign. The
buses trading with Edwards and Hann Ltd, Beaminster and Bridport
on the rear and the 'fleet name' of Beaminster Bus.
In June 1925 Arthur Ernest resigned as scoutmaster as his
business and absence from home did not allow him the time he
needed to devote to the troop. He had possibly become involved
with Albert Percy's Hann Partners Ltd or a business venture of
his own as he is acknowledged in
Bill Boddy's History of Brooklands though (unlike 'Tommy') I
don't believe he features in the book. Bill Boddy does though
confirm that
Albert Percy was not involved at Brooklands following the fatal
accident in 1924 when a car in which he was travelling sank in
the River Thames at Molesey and despite his best efforts a fellow passenger lost
their life (see
Albert Percy's entry in the family tree section of the website) and Boddy
did not see him again until 1934 when he met up in his consulting engineer
business's office at 1 Albemarle Street, Mayfair. It is possible that Arthur had
to run Albert's business in his absence until returning home when he and his
father resigned from Edwards & Hann Ltd to run the garage at Beaminster as an
independent enterprise again. At Albert's inquest in 1935 it was said that his being
torpedoed and the fatal crash had taken a toll on his mental health which led to
his suicide
On 19th October 1927 an advertisement appeared in "The Times" to
advise that both the Beaminster and Bridport garages of Edwards
and Hann were amongst the first list of Empire (Motor) Traders
In 1930 an additional director, George L(utley Sclater-Booth
(later 4th Baron Basing), The Priory, Odiham, Hants was
appointed to the company and a new 26-seat Thornycroft A6
single-decker (registration no. TK 4774) was acquired
As will be seen from he following advertisements etc the exact
chronology of the use of Prout Bridge is a bit vague during the
1920/1930s. To recap. I know that until 1906 it was used by
Charles and Albert as C & A Hann builders and that after this
both a shortlived builders business of C & Chas Hann and the
business of Albert Hann & Sons (at Fleet Street) continued until
Charles's retirement. I also know that by 1912 the Beaminster
Garage Company managed by Cecil Collins Hann had been set up at
the same premises to sell vehicles and petrol as well as garage
services - and initially had also operated an unsuccessful
motor-brake service. A photo believed by some to have been taken after
World War 1 was probably taken before the war (in which Cecil
was killed) as it features two brand new unregistered vehicles of
1912 and 1913 vintage.
A later photograph (date unknown) still shows the deceased Cecil
as manager but the Beaminster Garage Company board has been
replaced by one advertising Albert Hann & Sons building
business. In 1920 Albert is known to be proprietor of the garage
company and in 1923 the company acquired a new bus to replace an
earlier one or two. In 1924 Beaminster Garage Company was merged
with Hill & Boll of Bridport and to reflect the two Edwards's
and two Hann's (Albert and Arthur Edward) on the board became
Edwards & Hann Ltd. The Beaminster Garage board being
resurrected and repainted with the new company name; the BG
monogram at the bottom being replaced with EAH
Between 1924 and 1933 Edwards and Hann was therefore represented
by members of both families, though advertisements placed seem
to show that although under an umbrella company the bus company
possibly ran
separately from the garage/car sales businesses which in turn
may have later operated separately as well. As late as 1931
Edwards & Hann are referred to as being of Beaminster and
Bridport, though from 1930 their advertisements
mention only Bridport. This may however have been their main
(only) vehicle showroom.
From November 1933 the Beaminster garage was placing its own
advertisement under the style of Arthur E Hann, which appears to
indicate a cessation of the Edwards & Hann partnership following
the sale of the bus business to Southern National, though not
the company name. A photograph taken around 1935
shows the Beaminster garage name-board with Arthur E Hann - the EAH monogram now presumably
being now interpreted as AEH. This was later removed and replaced
with a new Arthur E Hann sign on the garage wall
On 28 August 1925 Edwards and Hann published
it's first? advertisement in
the Western Gazette:
--------- |
6 cyl., 18 h.p.,
1923, Bel-
gravia bodywork. Luggage grid.
Self- starter, Electric |
Finished dark red, upholstered in Bedford
condition, £200, or very near
offer. |
CHEVROLET.---5-seater Touring car,
May, 1923.
Rear |
screen, side
screens, luggage grid.
Self- starter,
All- |
weather equipment. Licensed end of year £70. |
"490" Model,, 5 seater.
screen, luggage grid. Sound
condition £30. |
FORD COUPE.---English
body. Extremely comfortable |
Double dickey seat. Year
of engine, 1923.
balloon tyres, shock absorbers, Licensed end of
year. £60 or very near offer. |
ROVER.---12 h.p.,
1914. Electric lighting.
Rear screen, |
luggage grid.
Although an old
model this car is
splendid condition. £90 or near offer. |
BELSIZE.---1921, 15-20 h.p., 5-seater Touring Car.
screen, luggage grid. Real
leather upholstery . Self- |
starter. Licensed end of
year. Very fine condition,
£95 |
Trial runs on either of the
above Cars will be arranged. |
with pleasure. |
Telephones : Bridport 54,
Beaminster 10. |
On 13 November another advertisement appeared:
(open-top car illustration) |
MORRIS COWLEY. 2-Seater. Blue. |
Four Wheel brakes. £170, or £42 10s 6d |
down and £11 7s 4d twelve monthly pay- |
ments. |
MORRIS COWLEY. 4-Seater. Blue |
F.W.B. £190, or £47 10s 6d down and |
£12 14s 1d twelve monthly payments. |
Claret. £350 or £87 10s 6d down and
twelve monthly payments of £23 8s 1d. |
Above prices include 12 months' |
free insurance |
----------------------------------------------------------- |
BELSIZE. 1921 15/20 h.p. 4-Seater |
Leather. Starter. Lighting, Rear Screen. |
Perfect condition. £90. |
OVERLAND. 1920. 4-Seater. Starter. |
Lighting . 18.4 h.p.
Splendid condition |
£58 |
fortable car, large dickey seat. Starter. |
Lighting. £50. |
FORD VANS. We have several for dis- |
posal. £15-£50 . Particulars with |
pleasure. |
------------------------------------------------------------ |
In 1926 a new 20-seat Thornycroft A1 single-decker (registration
no. PR 6088) was also acquired and 7 services a day were run
On 21 May Edwards and Hann were advertising garages complete
with illustration in the Western Gazette and Albert Hann & Son
was being run down.
The Motor House advertisement (appeared on 28 May also):
£15 15 0
(illustration of
£17 0 0 |
14ft x 8ft
open-top car in garage)
16ft x 8ft |
These Motor Houses are built of robust asbestos cement
in sturdy wooden framework, and they can
easily be erected by any private
owner on a level patch of ground. |
Specification includes double doors and windows ,
and it should be noted
that the window can be placed in any position relative
to the doors so that
best lighting can be obtained. The roof
is 24 gauge galvanised 'Italian' |
iron sheeting fixed with galvanised clout nails.
All necessary bolts, screws,
brackets, etc, are provided, and the Motor Houses are
dispatched, carriage
forward, with full instructions for erection on
receipt of order. |
We can also supply the necessary plans of the Garage for
approval by
the Local Council Authorities |
________________________________________ |
Albert's advertisement
SHOP, fitted with light |
modern machinery,
planer, thicknesser,
engine, &c., To Be Let at very reasonable terms. Excellent |
for keen man anxious
to start business
SONS, LTD., Beaminster, Dorset. |
The Western
Gazette of 2 July 1926 carried
JULY 5th - 10th |
(illustration of limousine) |
Commencing on Monday, July 5th, we shall be showing for one |
week at our Bridport Depot a special display of Daimler and
Bentley |
Cars. We believe this Show will be the first display of Quality |
Cars ever seen in Dorsetshire. |
We very much hope that you will come and inspect the cars during |
that week. Even if you are not intending to purchase a car we feel |
sure that the display will be of interest to you. |
During the week we shall have Mr. F.C. Clements, the famous |
racing driver,* with us, and he will be delighted to give trial
runs on |
his SPEED MODEL BENTLEY to anyone who would like to |
have a run
with him. |
We specially wish to point out that this display is open to all, |
motorists or those who are not motorists, and that you will not
be |
worried to purchase a car if you come and inspect the very fine |
range of vehicles we shall have on show. |
---------------------- |
(* possibly Albert Ernest Hann using his Brooklands
In the 17 and 24 June
1927 editions of the Western Gazette
F.W.D., balloon tyres, &c., |
Mileage 5,000 only. Taxed
for one year. Condirtion as |
new. £120 or nearest
offer.--EDWARDS & HANN, Brid- |
port. |
On 19th October 1927 an advertisement appeared in "The Times" to
advise that both the Beaminster and Bridport garages of Edwards
and Hann were amongst the first list of Empire (Motor) Traders
The 15 March 1929 Western
Gazette carried the following
--------- |
--------- |
following Bargains |
carry our Guarantee. |
1928 JUNO . |
New condition. Licensed |
for year.
9,970 miles only. Luggage |
Electric horn...
£115 0 0 |
1926. Two |
with dickey.
Four wheel |
Disc wheels. One
owner |
£55 0 0 |
1924 Four-seater. |
Real leather.
Starting. Lighting.
owner only.
Small mileage. |
£58 0 0 |
1923. Four-seater.
Good |
condition. Starter.
Light- |
... ... ...
£32 10 0 |
TROJAN. 1925.
Four-seater. 10h.p. |
mechanical condition
0 0 |
--------- |
All the above Cars in good condition |
and carry our guarantee |
--------- |
In 1930 an additional director, George L(utley Sclater-Booth
(later 4th Baron Basing), The Priory, Odiham, Hants was
appointed to the company and a new 26-seat Thornycroft A6
single-decker (registration no. TK 4774) was acquired
On 16 May 1930 the Western Gazette featured the following
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. £120 0 0 |
. . . . . .£105 0 0 |
1926 OXFORD TOURER . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . £55 0 0 |
1926 STANDARD COUPE, 14 h.p. . . .
. . . . . . . £65 0 0 |
1923 A.C. TWO-SEATER . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . £25 0 0 |
1926 SINGER SALOON, 9 h.p. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . £45 0 0 |
The following week the same advert appeared - minus the Morris
Cowley saloon
On 15 August 1930 a court case in which the family was involved
was reported in the Western Gazette:
result, witness had in his possession a Talbot |
prisoner to
make some effort at making res- |
car, which he had sold to prisoner for £325. |
stitution. In the meantime, the police would |
--- |
Witness was told by Quinn that £140 of this |
give him every assistance he required to get |
amount would be paid with money he was |
into touch
with his friends. |
--- |
to receive from the insurance company and |
that the balance would be met by money |
At the resumed hearing on Saturday morn- |
which he would request his London bankers |
ing accused said he had instructed Mr. Pitman- |
--- |
to transfer to the Bridport branch. As a re- |
Wing, the local manager of Barclay's Bank |
sult of what he heard from the Atlas Assur- |
to endeavour to collect the draft which was
ance Company, witness saw Quinn on Tues- |
due to him and which he had reason to believe |
Charles Leonard Quinn, a young man of good |
day. Prisoner, who said he could not under- |
he could obtain from his mother. |
appearance, and describing himself as a colour |
stand it, was present when a 'phone call was |
Mr. Pitman-Wing, called at prisoner's re- |
printer, was charged at the Bridport Police- |
put through to the Company's head office at |
quest, said he had been unable to get into |
court on Friday with (1) attempting to obtain |
Nottingham, but he did not avail himself of |
communication with the mother, as had the |
a Talbot motor-car of the value of £325 by |
the opportunity of speaking to the officials of |
manager of the bank at Harpenden, where she |
false pretences; (2) unlawfully and fraudulently |
the company. Witness was induced to go |
resided. It was true there was a draft
obtaining credit to the extent of £23 2s 3d; |
ahead with the purchase of the
Talbot en |
of £43 due to Quinn, but all efforts to come |
and (3) unlawfully and by false pretences |
tirely because of what Quinn had told him |
to an arrangement with the family had so far |
obtaining the sum of £3. |
about the money he was to receive from the |
failed. |
Accused said he was an American subject, |
insurance company. |
Accused, in a statement to the Bench, said |
and gave his address as 10, Adam-street, |
Prisoner to witness; Was there at any time |
he believed the reason why the draft had
Baker-street, London. |
any suggestion made that I should take the car |
not been
forwarded was due to the
fact that |
Mr. J. Roper conducted the prosecution, and |
before I was satisfied I could pay for it! - No |
when just over two months ago he chose to |
represented Messrs. Edwards & Hann, Ltd.,
leave London in this ridiculous manner he had |
garage proprietors, of Bridport and Beamin- |
Police-Sergeant W. Richardson said that on
in his possession a rind belonging to her which |
ster. |
Wednesday last he received information that |
was to be repaired. He had not returned the |
Mr. Roper said prisoner, who had been stay- |
a man was in the town negotiating for the |
ring, and naturally his mother did not want |
ing at an hotel at West Bay, phoned Messrs. |
purchase of an expensive car. This informa- |
to part with the draft until
she was in pos- |
Edwards & Hann from Salisbury some time |
tion did not come from Messrs. Edwards and |
session of her property. |
ago, and asked them to send a car, as he was |
Hann. As the description given answered
The Mayor : Have you the ring now! - No, |
stranded there. As he was known to the firm |
that o a man wanted by the police, he made |
sir. |
a car was sent as requested. |
enquiries, and at a hotel at West Bay Quinn |
Are you in position to obtain it! - No, |
With regard to the Talbot car accused told |
stated that he
was temporarily embarrassed |
not from here. |
Mr. Arthur E. Hann that while motoring |
financially, he owed for his board and lodg- |
through Andover he stopped to by some cigar- |
ing and had borrowed £2 in the hotel. He |
Superintendent Beck said that the ring in ques- |
ettes, and upon returning from the shop he |
still owed for the hire of a car, and had been |
tion was valued at £250, and it had been |
found that the car, which contained a suit
in negotiation for a car though he knew he |
pawned by the accused for £20. It was pro- |
case and money, had been stolen. Later, he |
had not enough money to pay for it. He was |
bably correct that Quinn's mother was with- |
told Mr. Hann that the police had notified |
expecting about £50 or £60 to be paid in |
holding the draft because of that. He (the |
him that his car had been found deserted and |
the Midland Bank, Northampton, from
Superintendent) had
ascertained that accused |
burnt out in a lane near Minehead. Quinn |
America. He did not know when
was a married
man whose wife had left him |
added that he was to receive some money from |
it was coming . He was so sorry he had caused |
and was
instituting proceedings
against him |
the Atlas Assurance Company at Nottingham |
all this fuss and bother, but if people would |
for divorce.` |
but that he was having a little trouble about it. |
give him a chance he would put this all |
The Mayor said
the case , which was a very |
It was quite untrue that accused had a car |
straight. |
difficult one,
had received the serious
con- |
stolen. it was equally untrue that he had |
Witness added that as a result of this inter- |
sideration of
the Bench. Whilst
recognising it |
any money to come from any insurance com- |
view and conversation he was quite satisfied |
was prisoner's
first offence and wishing to
take |
pany. |
that prisoner
was not the man for whom the |
consideration every
extenuating circum- |
Coming to the charge of fraudulently obtain- |
police were still searching. Nothing was |
stance, they
felt that the nature of the
charges |
ing credit, Mr. Roper said that while Quinn |
known against Quinn at various places where |
was so serious
that they had no other
alter- |
was waiting to purchase the Talbot car he |
enquiries had been made. |
native but to
send him to prison. On the
first |
hired another car and ran up a bill of
charge he
would be sentenced to three
months |
£23 2s 3d, but the sum did not include the |
Prisoner, who asked to be dealt with sum- |
in the second
division and one month on
journey from Salisbury. The £3 was drawn |
marily, admitted that he had told a lot of |
of the
remaining counts, the
sentences to run |
on a cheque, which he promised to produce, |
foolish stories, but pleaded that he had not |
"I hope that when you come |
but failed to do so. As a matter of fact, Quinn |
acted with any criminal or fraudulent in- |
out of prison
your people will put you on
had no banking account. |
tent. He added that he was hoping to re- |
your feet
again and that you will
endeavour |
ceive certain monies with which he would
to go straight in the future," added the Mayor |
Arthur Ernest Hann, a director in the firm |
endeavour to meet his obligation. |
of Messrs. Edwards & Hann said accused told |
The Bench decided to adjourn the case |
him he
required a large two-seater.
As a
until the following morning so as to enable |
A number of small ads also appeared in the 26 September and 3
October editions:
MORRIS MINOR , 1930. Fabric saloon blue.
1,700 |
miles. £105. - EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
SINGER. Two-seater. 1924. Good condition, including |
self-starter, &c, £30 . - EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., |
Bridport |
six-cylinder. Fabric |
Saloon in black and
red. 7,000 miles. Spare |
tyre unused. Almost new condition. £220 - EDWARDS |
& HANN, LTD., Bridport |
MORRIS OXFORD Two-seater, 1927,
14/28 h.p.
Mechanically perfect, just repainted,
new hood |
and two new tyres. £30 worth extras, including discs, |
sports exhaust, two electric horns, bumpers, Decarbo, |
spot light, &c, Any trial. £72 10s. - EDWARDS &
HANN, LTD., Bridport |
and 31 October
SINGER, 1924, two-seater, dickey.
Good mechani- |
cal condition. £29 10s.-- EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., |
Bridport |
SINGER, 1928, two-seater, dickey. Very
good con- |
dition. Licensed. One owner
only. £69 10s. -- |
EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
R.A.C., two-seater, dickey. Excellent
condition. Just been overhauled.
EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
STANDARD, 1926, Four-seater, Touring Car. Good
mechanical condition. One owner
only . £55 .--
EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
MORRIS OXFORD 15 h.p. six-cylinder.
One owner |
only. Director of firm. £210.-- EDWARDS & HANN, |
LTD., Bridport |
The 1931 edition of Kelly's Directory for Dorset contained the
following entries -
Beaminster 'Edwards and Hann Ltd, motor engineers and agents, Prout Bridge TN 10' and
Bridport 'Edwards and Hann Ltd, motor engineers and agents
(Rolls Royce, Sunbeam, Morris, Jowett &c) East Street, TN 54'
In the Western Gazette's report on 24 July 1931 on the sitting
of the Southern area of the Traffic Commissioners held at
Edwards & Hann, Ltd., made and application for a stage carriage licence between
Beaminster and West Bay
On 2 and 9 October 1931 the 1928 Singer was re-advertised along
with a new Morris Oxford:
MORRIS OXFORD, 1931, Coach-built Saloon. |
Sliding head, blue, with blue leather. New and |
unregistered . Reduced price to clear - EDWARDS & |
HANN, LTD., Bridport |
On 6 November 1931 they still appear to be trying to sell the
Singer as a revised small ad appeared in the Western Gazette:
SINGER, 1928, 8 h.p., two-seater. Excellent con- |
dition. Two new tyres. Had little use. Many |
extras. - EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
The following week it was joined by a Morris Oxford:
MORRIS OXFORD SALOON, 1928, only done |
14,800 miles . Real leather. Condition almost
as new. £95 - EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
On 20 November they were advertising the Morris Oxford saloon
and two other Morris vehicles:
MORRIS 8/10 Cwt.
1931 VAN, in perfect mechani- |
cal condition, Repainted. £110. - EDWARDS &
Bridport |
MORRIS OXFORD SALOON, 1928, only done |
14,800 miles. Real leather. Condition almost
as new. £95 -
EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
MORRIS OXFORD, 1927, two-seater, perfect con- |
dition, leather upholstery, disc wheels, sports |
exhaust, bumpers, luggage grid. Unique sports car. |
Excellent mechanical condition. Owner returning to |
India - EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
By 27 November the Morris Oxford Saloon had gone from the
On 4 December a general advertisement appeared and remained for
the next two weeks:
CAR? - EDWARDS & HANN, LTD., Bridport |
On 16 April 1933, the bus service was sold to Southern National,
TK 4774 acquiring the fleet number 3430. It is believed that
around this time the Hanns and the Edwards's went their own way
and the Hanns resigned from the board of Edwards & Hann, Arthur
Ernest continuing to operate the Beaminster garage in his own
right. When he married at Sherborne in October 1934, Arthur
Ernest was described as a garage proprietor, rather than a
company director
On 20 Oct 1933 the first known advertisement for Arthur E Hann
appeared in the Western Gazette
Second-hand M.G. Enquiries invited. |
'Phone: Beaminster 10 |
The following week the Western Gazette refers in a report to
Frank George Hodder of 'Messrs. Hann of Beaminster, motor
The MG advertisements continued in the Western Gazette:
2 November 1933
(MG No obligation, just a revelation |
'Phone: 10 |
10 November and 15 and 22 December 1933
17 November and 1 December 1933
Autumn Night Trial. |
(MG Bournemouth to Barnstaple. |
Special cup. Finest performance. Won by |
Car 1934 M.G. MIDGET |
As mentioned before Albert Percy, under the name of 'Tommy'
Hann, had continued his pioneering engineering work in the
development and racing of cars and mixing with the top
celebrities of the day during Brooklands' heyday and had a
sumptuous office at 1 Albemarle Street, in London's West End.
Edith Constance seems to have joined him and become involved in
the heady days of 'flapper' London. By 1930 she, as Miss C Hann,
had become the honorary secretary of the Victoria Club for
Ladies in fashionable Belgravia and lived at 41 Dorset Mews. 39
Chapel Steet, 49 Knightsbridge and 12 Grosvenor Place overlooking
Hyde Park Corner and the gardens of Buckingham Palace. She mixed
with the likes of the famous American Hearst family and was
became an early trans-Atlantic air passenger as a result of her
visits to their home. She had also adopted an alternative name
of 'Ann' by then.
Arthur Ernest appears to have returned to take the Beaminster
garage back into solely Hann ownership in late 1933 and started
placing small ads in the Western Gazette again
17 Nov 1933
Autumn Night Trial. |
(MG Bournemouth to Barnstaple. |
Special cup. Finest performance. Won by |
Car 1934 M.G. MIDGET |
The following year Arthur Ernest appeared regularly in newspaper
reports in the Western Gazettes winning various motoring
competitions, but unfortunately 'Tommy' ended up living beyond
his means, owing money to his office landlord and a nearby
garage. A return to Brooklands driving cars himself in 1934
entering a 3 litre Mercedes Hann Special 'Softly catch monkey
II' was unsuccessful so, on 12 Apr 1935, Albert Percy still an
undischarged bankrupt, in further debt, his nerves wrecked by
his torpedoeing and the fatal car accident, had reached the end
of the line and committed suicide at 72 Holland Park Avenue,
Holland Park, London, the home of the widowed Lady Mildred
Williams. This is mentioned in a book published later in the
year by Gladys, Marchioness Townshend of Raynham entitled 'True
Ghost Stories'
On 12 January 1934 Arthur placed two advertisements in the Western
MOTOR ENGINEER (experienced), Wanted.
Age |
Wanted, not over 30. Small commencing
wage, |
ot over 30. Only first-class
men, proved ex- |
but permanency if
suitable.- ARTHUR HANN, Garage, |
perience, need
apply.- ARTHUR HANN, Garage, |
On 23 March 1934 Arthur placed another
three small ads in the Western Gazette
this time to try and let the flat above the garage as well
STANDARD, 10 h.p., 1934, Saloon
De Luxe |
MORRIS 8-CWT. VAN, 1926,
Good condition, Just |
Attractive outlook.
Re-decorated |
Syncromesh, Freewheel, Leather
overhauled. --
ARTHUR HANN, The Garage |
throughout. Four exceptionally
large rooms |
Delivered January1st, Mileage 2,168, Aluminium |
Beaminster |
bath-room, lavatory,
attic, Gas, Yearly Tenancy, No |
numbers, £185, -- ARTHUR HANN, The
Garage |
children.- ARTHUR
HANN, Beaminster, Dorset |
Beaminster |
and the flat again in the 9 June 1934 edition
FLAT to let, 4 large rooms, bath-room, lavatory, |
attic, Gas, Electric supply available if required. |
ARTHUR HANN, Beaminster, Dorset |
Shortly before his marriage he advertised his MG in the 10
August 1934 edition
M G. 1934 "J
2" 8 h. p. Two-seater. One
owner. |
Forty pounds worth extra,
including new set |
Michelin real low
pressure tyres. Just
completely |
reconditioned at
M. G. Factory. One of
the finest |
Midgets in the
country. £150. Trial
run anywhere |
genuine purchaser. --- ARTHUR E. HANN,
Beaminster, |
Dorset. 'Phione 10. |
At the 29 Aug 1934 meeting of Bridport Rural District Council a
letter from the Secretary of the Western Traffic Area was
considered and it was decided to oppose the National Omnibus
Company Ltd's proposed cuts to the West Bay-Bridport-Beaminster
bus service.
These were:
1. Withdraw the 15:00 Beaminster-West Bay service
2. Operate on Saturdays only the weekday 15:30 Beaminster-West
Bay service
3. Withdraw the Saturday 14:30 Beaminster-Bridport service.
In the 1935 edition of the Bridport Directory, Edwards & Hann
Ltd of East Street are still trading, described as engineers &
motor agents; authorised Morris agents; officially appointed
A.A., R.A.C. & Tecalemit Station. Kelly's
Directory adds a telephone number of Bridport 54 and telegraphic
address of 'Garage, Bridport'
On 7 June 1935 AE Hann of The Garage,
Beaminster appeared as an agent for Singer cars in a large
photo-advertisement in the Western Gazette for their new 9hp
4-seater Family de Luxe Saloon selling at £199.
On 9 August 1935 he had a large advertisement
in his own right
SALOON, £219 model. |
SALOON, £145 model. |
MODEL, £182 10s. model |
The above Licensed Demonstration Cars
are available |
for quick sale to make room for new
models. Prices on |
application. |
10. |
On 30 August 1935
the following advertisements
MINERVA Saloon, Occasional
Seats. Licensed |
Hackney Carriage. £60. Magnificent condi- |
tion.-- ARTHUR E. HANN, Garage, Beaminster, Dorset. |
'Phone 10. |
Saloon, Licensed |
1935. Very nice condition. -- ARTHUR
Garage, Beaminster, Dorset,
'Phone 10. |
On 29 January 1936, Albert's wife, Edith Mary, died at the age
of 71 (an announcement being placed in 'The Times').
Arthur had two more vehicles for sale on
16 October:
Van, 8/10 cwt., 1931.
Privately |
owned, country house. Very sound
little |
£25. -- Arthur E. Hann, The Garage |
Dorset. |
Model Little Nine Saloon |
De Luxe. 12 volt.
lighting. 10,239 miles. |
Licensed.. One
owner. Almost as new. £75 10s. |
- Arthur Hann, The
Garage, Beaminster. |
'Phone 10. |
On 22 May it was another Morris Cowley
Saloon, very clean con- |
dition and runs
well. £22 10s. -- ARTHUR
E. |
HANN, The Garage, Beaminster, Dorset,
'Phone 10. |
And on 13 November
Cwt. Van, July, 1931, splendid
condition, Dunlop Fort tyres. Used
for |
country house work
only. One owner. £27 10s |
- Arthur Hann,
Beaminster, Dorset. 'Phone 10. |
In the same edition Edwards & Hann had a
advertisement for three second-hand cars
The following week
Arthur was selling another MG
M. G. MAGNA, F. type, April, 1932,
Attractive |
Sports, Body by
Styles. Ex- |
cellent condition.
Tyres good. £60 -- Arthur |
Hann, Beaminster,
Dorset. 'Phone 10. |
Arthur placed an advertisement in the Western Gazette
between 27 November 1936 and 1 January 1937 in an attempt
to let the flat above the garage again ('Uppova')
situated in one of the
prettiest arts of Dorset. Dining-room, |
very large
lounge, kitchen, two bedrooms. |
Separate lavatory
and bathroom. Constant |
hot water.
Electric lighting and gas. Good
attic. -- Arthur
Hann, Beaminster, Dorset.
'hone 10 |
In February 1937, TK 4774 was sold off by Southern National.
Arthur Ernest was shown under his own name in the Royal
Automobile Club as their agent at The Garage, Beaminster.
Edwards & Hann Ltd in Bridport were one of two RAC agents there
Arthur E Hann advertisements continued appearing as follows:
12 March 1937
SINGER, 1931,
Two-seater. Very
clean |
condition. Tyres excellent. £22 10s |
-- Arthur Hann, Beaminster, Dorset.
'Phone 10 |
April 1937
TALBOT Scout Saloon,
14 h.p. 1931 model. |
Tyres as
new. Absolutely sound
through- |
out. Cost
£395. £38. -- Arthur Hann, Beaminster |
Dorset. 'Phomne 10. |
18 March 1938 - A lawn mower for a change
ATCO Motor Mower,
16-inch machine. |
Just been thoroughly
reconditioned, per- |
fect mechanically,
£12 -- Arthur Hann, |
Beaminster, Dorset.
'Phone 10. |
20 May and 10 June 1938
MORRIS Eight, Series I.,
Two-door Saloon |
de Luxe. Mileage 17,000. Unused since |
December 31st.
In magnificent condition |
throughout. £85 - Arthur E.
Hann, Beaminster |
Dorset. Tel.: Beaminster 210 |
on 26 May 1938 the 17
March advertisement reappeared with the asking price reduced to
On 17 March, 26 and 27 May
1939 a Mr Hodder was selling from Hann's Garage
MORRIS Family 8, excellent
condition, £35. |
Hodder, c/o
Hann's Garage, Beaminster. |
Dorset. |
26 and 27 May 1939 - another lawn mower
ATCO Motor Mower,
14-inch demonstra-. |
tion model. With transporting
carrier |
As new £15 -- Arthur
Hann, Garage, Bea- |
minster. 'Phone 210. |
finally on 14 July 1939
AUSTIN Seven 1935 Ruby Saloon de Luxe, |
green, green leather, exceptional condi- |
tion, 19,841 miles, three
new tyres, licensed |
to end of year.
£53 10s -- Arthur E. Hann, |
The Garage,
Beaminster, Dorset. 'Phone:
Beaminster 210 |
Around this time Arthur Ernest
may have been preparing to take a back seat at the garage as some advertisements
during 1939 referred buyers again to Hodder, c/o Hann' s Garage and by the National Register of 29
September 1939 he is shown as a motor garage proprietor but does
not seem to have advertised his business after July 1939.
Frank Bridle was operating his garage in Fleet Street (Fleet
Street Garage Co?) and Leonard H Gibbs was
also providing further competition as a motor, motor cycle and cycle engineer of Prout Bridge, though
this was the garage at what is now known as 1 Whitcombe Road (near the old Congregational Chapel that now
houses Beaminster Museum) There has also been a garage opposite the
museum which is now just a hand car wash. Gibbs is also
shown as being at 'The Garage, Beaminster' in an Exide car
battery advertisement on 23 October 1936
By 29 September 1939 Edith Constance had
also moved from Belgravia to the Savoy Hotel garage in Adelphi
Arches in The Strand in order to take part in the war effort
becoming Commandant for the Auxiliary Ambulance Service with a
team that included her Deputy-Commandant Lady Wilton (widow of
Sir Thomas Wilton JP CA, shipping company owner and former Mayor
of Dartmouth), Mrs Everard How (formerly Lady Lymington,
divorced wife of 9th Earl of Portsmouth and mother of his heir
Viscount Lymington). Elizabeth and Pamela Phillips (sisters of
Sir Lionel Phillips) and Felix Krish (son of conductor Serge
On 21st August 1940 the following notice appeared in the London
In the Matter of EDWARDS
& HANN Limited, and |
in the Matter of the Companies Act, 1929. |
NOTICE is hereby given
pursuant to section 238 |
of the Companies Act, 1929, that a
Meeting of the |
creditors of the above
named Company will be held |
at 65, East Street, Bridport on Thursday the 12th |
day of September,1940 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, |
for the purposes provided
for in the said section -- |
the 21st day of August, 1940.
J TURNBULL, Secretary |
At the meeting, the garage company went into voluntary
liquidation and a further notice appeared in the London Gazette
In the Matter of
EDWARDS & HANN Limited, and |
in the Matter of the Companies Act,1929. |
At an Extraordinary General Meeting
of the |
Members of the above
named Company, duly con- |
vened and
held at 65, East Street, Bridport
on |
Thursday the
12th day of September 1940, the |
Extraordinary resolution was
duly |
"That it
has been proved to the
satisfaction of |
this Meeting that
the Company cannot by reason of |
liabilities continue its business, and that
it is |
advisable to wind up
the same, and accordingly that |
the Company be wound
up voluntarily, and that Mr. |
Guy Langley
Atherton A.C.A., of Bridport,
hereby appointed
Liquidator for the purposes of the |
winding-up" |
At a Meeting of the
Creditors duly convened and sub- |
sequently on
the same date at 65,
East Street, |
Bridport, the
appointment of Mr. Guy Langley |
Atherton A.C.A. as
such Liquidator was confirmed. |
Chairman of both Meetings |
Two preliminary announcements followed by normal and final
announcements appeared in the Western Gazettes
of 18 and 25 October 1940 and 1 an 8 November 1940 regarding the auctioning of Edwards & Hann's
equipment and machinery:
By Direction of G. L. Atherton, Esq., Liquidator
of Edwards & Hann, Bridport, Ltd., Motor |
Engineers and Tecalemit Agents |
----------------------- |
----------------------- |
the Whole of the Valuable |
including:- 4 Avery Hardoll
Electric Petrol |
Pumps; Leo Air
and Water Tower;
Air Compressor;
Tecalemit High Lift Car Ramp; |
Strong Steel Girder Sliding Car
to hold 3 Vehicles; Pulley Block
and Tackle |
with Girder Bracket;
7 Oil Cabinets. |
The Whole of the |
including:- A Newton Test Bench and Lathe; |
Newton Fault Finder; Rotax Heavy Duty Drill; |
Black and Decker
10in. Bench Grinder; Valve |
Refacers and Grinders;
Remagnetizer; 8-Ton |
Heavy Press; Steel Shafting; Welding
Forge; |
Hydraulic and
other Jacks; Batteries; Tools, &c., |
Morris Van. |
The Comprehensive stock of
Morris and other
Electrical Fittings; Car Oil and Grease; |
Trade Stock; Shop-soiled
Tyres; Office and |
Store-room fittings; and numerous
other Items, |
which |
have received |
instruction to SELL by AUCTION on
at 11 a.m. punctually,
owing to the number
of Lots |
On View Day prior from 10 till 4 p.m., and |
Morning of Sale. |
Detailed Slips on
application to the Auctioneers |
N.B. Cheques not accepted
from unknown |
Purchasers. |
On 1 November 1940
the main announcement appeared in the Western Gazette.
[this has been included for historical purposes to show
the sort of equipment required to run a garage business at the time]
By Direction of G. L. Atherton, Esq., Liquidato |
of Edwards & Hann, Bridport, Ltd., Motor |
Engineers and Tecalemit Agents |
of the Whole of the Valuable |
including:- 4 Avery Hardoll Electric Petrol |
Pumps; Leo Air and Water Tower; Tecalemit |
Air Compressor (300b.); 7 Oil Cabinets; 2 Oil |
Tanks |
in excellent condition; |
Engine Trolleys; Avery's Platform Scale; |
to hold 3 Vehicles, consisting of 3 prs. of 17ft. |
Steel Ramps (15in. x 4in.) and Two 2ft. 6in. |
Steel Girders (15in. x 5in.); |
PULLEY BLOCK and TACKLE Complete with |
Iron Girder Bracket; |
Including Champion Plug Tester; A.C. Plug |
Cleaner; and Fuel Pump |
(A.C. or D.C.); Black and Decker 10in. Bench |
Grinder; Newton Armature Growler; Rotax Uni- |
versal Valve Refacer; Black and decker Vibro |
Centre Valve Seat Grinder' Remagnetizer; |
Crypton Battery Rectifier; Crypton Voltmeter; |
3 TON HEAVY PRESS; 2 Micrometers; Van |
Norman Cylinder Boring Bar and Cutters; |
Black and Decker ¼in. Electric Drill; NEWTON |
Stocks and Dies; Weldong Forge; 5 Iron Vices; |
2 Hydraulic Heavy Garage Jacks; Long Reach |
Jack; 12 Hydraulic and other Jacks; |
About 18ft. of STEEL SHAPING. with 4 Brackets |
and 6 Pulleys; 2 Tecalamit Grease Buckets; 2 |
Paint Sprayers; Primus Blow Lamp; Four |
Workshop Benches. |
Oak and Stained Kneehole Desks; Office Chairs; |
Two L. C. Smith Typewrites; 4-Drawer Steel |
Filing Cabinet; 5ft. Mahogany Dining Table; |
Iron Firepproof Salt (18in. x 16in. x 24in.); a 17ft. |
Glazed Showcase (9ft. 3in. high); 7 Minimax |
Fire Extinguishers; Expanded Metal and Tim- |
ber Workshop Enclosure' a 21ft. Stock-room |
Bench; Several Useful Nests of Tool Drawers; |
Pigeon Holes; and Shelving for Spares and Fit- |
tings, &c. |
includes Quantity Radiator Hose; Electric and |
Speedometer Cable; Fan Belts; Quantity Engine |
Gaskets; Morris Crown Wheels; Pistons; Bear- |
ings; Brake Shoes; and Linings; Brake Com- |
ponents; Hardy Couplings; Valves; Miscellane- |
ous other Morris Spares; Quantity Electrical |
Spares and Fittings; Quantity Car Bulbs and |
Plugs; Three 40-gall. Drums of Suproil; 5 Galls. |
Daimler Gear Oil; about 60 Galls. Bulk Oils; |
Quantity Tins of Car Oils and Grease; Carbuoy |
of Acid; 7 Empty Carbuoys; 20 Shop-soiled Car |
and 27 Tubes; 7 Shop-soiled M/C. Tyres; |
25/30 h.p. LANCIA BREAKDOWN LORRY, com- |
plete with Lifting and Towing Tackle, in good |
running order; Morris Cowley Van; 4 Scrap |
Saloon Cars; Four 40=Gall. Steel Drums; Corru- |
gated Iron and Timber Shed; and
numerous |
other Items, which |
T. R G LAWRENCE & SON have received |
instructions to SELL by AUCTION on |
THURSDAY, 14th November, 1940 at 11 a.m. punc- |
tually, owing to the Number of Lots. |
On View Day prior from 10 till 4 p.m., and
Morning of Sale. |
N.B.- Cheques will not be accepted from un- |
known Purchasers |
The Western Gazette of
22 November reported:
BRIDPORT, NOVEMBER 14..-- Messrs. T. R.
G. |
Lawrence & Son, of
Bridport, Crewkerne and |
acting under instructions
for Mr. G. |
Atherton, liquidator of
Edwards & Hann.
Bridport, Ltd. motor engineers, held
a sale of |
equipment at 70, East-street, Bridport.
The |
company included buyers from
as far |
as London, Southampton,
and Bath. |
Exceedingly good prices were
realised through- |
and the 500 lots were cleared in record
time. |
Principal prices: -- Five
crown wheels, £9 10s; |
linings to 30s lot; ball bearings to
50s lot ; |
hydraulic jacks. £11 10s and
£12; other jacks, |
to 42s; pressure grease bucket. £7 15s;
plat- |
scale. £8; stocks and dies. £3 7s
6d; tools, |
valve seat grinder. £19 10s;
drill. £4 5s; test |
£40; boring bar £75; cylinder
gauge £7; |
micrometers. £6; electric drill. £29;
8-ton |
£11; sliding car ramp £32;
compressor. |
engine trolleys. £4 and £2;
block and |
£6 10s; Morris van. £11;
breakdown |
£35; air and water tower. £4 5s; car
ramp. |
electric petrol pumps. £28 and
£20; nest |
drawers. £4 &c.; typewriter. £10 5s;
steel |
cabinet. £5 10s. The whole of
the stock- |
in-trade. loose tools. fittings. oils
and general |
equipment made extremely good prices.
On 10 November 1941 a further notice appeared in the London
(In Voluntary Liquidation)
the Companies
Act,1929. |
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 244
of the Companies Act, 1929, that a Meeting of the
creditors of the above Company will be held
at 65, East Street, Bridport, Dorset on Monday the
24th November, 1941 for the purposes provided for
in |
the said section - Dated the 10th November 1941.
G. L. Atherton, Liquidator
About this time Arthur Ernest relocated to Dorchester where as
County Ambulance and Transport Officer he became responsible for
the Dorset Reserve Ambulance Convoy.
On 26 March 1943 a notice regarding Albert Hann and Sons also
appeared in the London Gazette that read
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
section 295 (3) |
of 19 & 20 Geo. V. ch. 23 (Companies Act, 1929),
that at the expiration of three months from the date
hereof, the
names of the undermentioned Companies |
will, unless cause is
shown to the contrary, be struck |
off the Register, and the
Companies will be dis- |
.......... Albert
Hann and Sons Limited ......... |
P Martin, Registrar of Companies.
Companies Registration
Office, |
Grand Hotel, Llandudno,
March, 1943
This was followed by another notice four days later that read
In the Matter of EDWARDS and HANN Limited
(In Voluntary
Liquidation) and in the Matter of |
the Companies Act, 1929.
NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Section
245 of the
Companies Act, 1929 the Final Meetings |
of the Members and of the creditors of the above
named Company will be held at the offices of
Messrs. G. L. Atherton and Company, Chartered
Accountants, 65, East Street, Bridport, on Thurs-
the 16th day of May 1946 at 3.15 p.m. and
3.30 p.m.,
respectively, for the purpose of having
an account laid before
them and to resolve the
Liquidator's Report showing how the
winding-up of |
the Company has been conducted and the property
the Company disposed of and of hearing any
explanation that may be given by the Liquidator
and also of directing the manner in
which the books, |
accounts and documents of the Company and of
the |
Liquidator thereof shall be disposed of -- Dated this
day of March, 1946. |
G. L. ATHERTON, Liquidator
Edwards & Hann Ltd eventually being wound up at the 16 May 1946
Strangely though, I'm sure I saw photo of an advert for the
company, still of East Street, Bridport and now an agent for the Rootes Group of motor manufacturers, in a 1960s Bridport guide.
Perhaps the name was bought from the liquidator by the garage
that took oner the site and business and initially traded as
Star Garage
At some time around the War, Edith Constance moved from
Belgravia, down the road to Knightsbridge, where she stayed for
around twenty years
On 27 May 1949 Florence Sarah retired and put her home at Dover
House up for sale in the Western Gazette
'Phones 71 183 3103 |
------------------------------------------------------- |
In the Old-World Town of |
6 miles from Bridport and within easy |
reach of a delightful stretch of the West |
Dorset Coast, with ts 18 hole Golf Course. |
Daily 'Bus Service |
The exceptionally well-built and superior* |
type of Brick and
BRIDGE, in particularly good order, cen- |
trally and pleasantly situate, containing: |
Nice Hall; 2 excellent Reception-rooms; |
Kitchenette; 4 good Bedrooms; Bathroom; |
Box-room. Small Garden. Outbuildings. |
which |
by AUCTION, at an EARLY DATE (un- |
less previously Sold by Private Treaty) |
To view and for further particulars apply |
to the Auctioneers |
it was built by C&A Hann after all)
On 10 June a much abbreviated version was
published advising a date of 15 June for the auction and on 19
August a further notice to announce that although the property
failed to sell at the auction it had subsequently been sold by
private treaty
On 10 January 1953, Arthur died in Beaminster, aged 94 years.
Later that year, in volume 98 of The autocar, his son Arthur
Ernest wrote a letter in reply to previous correspondence as
"I would like to say that my late father Albert Hann of
Beaminster, Dorset, owned a Motobloc car; I enclose a photograph
of it with it's original coachwork. My late brother, Tommy Hann,
subsequently stripped this car and ran it at Brooklands, in the
form shown in the second photograph. Returning again to Dorset,
the Motobloc was fitted with a bus body and, although very high
geared, it ran a local bus....' Unfortunately I do not have the
rest or the photos as this comes from a 'snippet' at
Between 1954 and 1961 Arthur Ernest was shown in the telephone
directory as living in Portarlington Road, Boscombe but in 1960
he was recorded as a garage proprietor in Yeovil when his wife,
Molly, died there aged 50 years
By 1962 Edith Constance had moved again to South Kensington
Having returned to Bournemouth by 1972, Arthur Ernest died at
Herrison Hospital, Charminster, Dorset, aged 70 years in Mar
In March 1979, Edith Constance, the only girl in the family, who
had a house at 49 Whittingstall Road, Parson's Green, Greater
London, died unmarried at 36 Bernard Gardens, Wimbledon, Greater
London, aged 83 years. She had had an exciting life varying from
'high society' to sleeping in a camper van, but never seems to
have lost her sense of humour and special outlook on life
Of Charles's family:
His wife - Julia Eleanor moved to her mother's house at Dover
House, 20 Prout Bridge, Beaminster following his death. She died
there on 25 July 1928, aged 73 years
Julia Mary (christened at St Mary's church on 10 Dec 1879) -
moved to Peachland, British Columbia where she married
fellow-Brit Ashley Howard Stribling and died on 21 September
1927, aged 47 years
Ellen Louise (christened at St Mary's church on 2 Mar 1881) -
married a chemist/pharmacist called Frank Wainwright and having
initially moved to Leicester, soon moved to Eastleigh,
Hampshire. There, the couple ran a successful business that also
employed her sister, Clara Edith and continued, through their
son, as Frank Wainwrght & Son Ltd. Their daughter marrying Ellen
Louise's uncle Edwin's son
Emily Susan (born 10 Aug 1882) - had died in infancy on 7 Oct
Charles Carpenter (christened at St Mary's church on 27 Jun
1884) - was a carpenter before moving to Warlingham, Surrey
where he became a builder, dying in March 1958, aged 73 years.
Strangely he married an Agnes Mary Edwards in Derby in 1913
(another Edwards and Hann partnership!). Agnes Mary's father was
born in Dorchester and grandfather in Hawkchurch, so it is
possible that he and Sidney R Edwards were distantly related
Florence Sarah (born 13 Feb 1886) - having been an apprentice
bookbinder and stationer and acquaintance of Thomas Hardy (who
it is now known was her 4th cousin once removed) became
a teacher for many years at Beaminster Grammar School and in
retirement moved to Twyford, Hampshire - to be with her sister
Clara Edith - where she
died, at Rosemary Cottage, 4 The Drove, just short of her 105th
birthday, on 25 January 1991
Clara Edith (born 3 Jul 1888) - became a pharmacist's assistant,
working for her sister Ellen and her husband in their shop at
Eastleigh, Hampshire, and also lived at
Rosemary Cottage, where she died, unmarried, in June 1975 at the
age of 86
Of all of the children of both of the Prout Bridge families,
only five are known to have married - Albert Percy, Arthur
Ernest, Julia Mary, Ellen Louise and Charles Carpenter. Only
one, Ellen Louise, is known to have had any children.
Of Charles's and Arthur's siblings, those that did not die young
or unmarried, left the area, with the exception of Fanny Jane
Payne (Christened at St Mary's church on 12 Mar 1843) and Susan
(christened at St Mary's church on 2 Feb 1855).
Fanny Jane Payne married Daniel Bowditch in the Weymouth area in
late 1867, ran the Swan public house in Misterton, just up the
road from Beaminster. Following Daniel's death and a move
to Balham, London,.she emigrated to Grand Rapids, Michigan as
did three of her sons and her brother Hugh and his family and
died there in 1935
Susan was a barmaid at the White Hart in Beaminster and
disappeared after the 1891 census when she was visiting
Netherbury. She finally married a Wiltshire farmer called John
Everett in Hindon, Wiltshire (where her aunt Emily Hann (later
Isaac lived) just before her 55th birthday and
lived at Tisbury, Wiltshire from 1900 to 1911, when John died.
Susan then moved to Westham near Weymouth in Dorset (as had
Emily Isaac and another aunt Eliza Hann - later Joy) where she
died in 1922. They had no children
Of the properties
I believe that
the house, builders' yard/garage premises and workshops have
become 26 Prout Bridge
(now known as Kingfisher House) together with Garden House and
Fives Court (26A) and 'Uppova' is now 28 Prout Bridge (the base
for a handyman business), 'Dover House' is still known as such,
at 20 Prout Bridge (formerly base for a travel agent) and
'Holmleigh' 18 Prout Bridge (the base for a firm of architects).
The printer and stationer shop in The Square that was run by
Charles Carpenter Hann and his sister Florence Sarah was still
connected with paper as a newsagent, but is now being used for
other purposes
On 25 August 1894 much of the Prout Bridge area of Beaminster was
severely damaged when the River Brit, which runs between the
houses and the road, flooded causing 10-22 Prout Hill to have
to be demolished and replaced (including those on what became
Holmleigh and Dover House), 24 survived but was reconfigured. A full report of this event is
available (at a charge) at
Beaminster museum also have a number
of pictures including one showing a damaged C&A Hann waggon
26 Prout Bridge now known as
'Kingfisher House', home of many of the Hann family
and site of their businesses. The main building formed the family home, 28 over
the arch was known as Uppova and to the rear was the builder's yard where Garden House and Fives Court now stand. To the right
can be seen 24 'Brook Cottage' which was occupied by Charles's family just
before World War 1 and the tall chimney-stack of 'Dover House' (again once occupied by the Hanns) can be seen

'Dover House' (20 Prout Bridge) and 'Holmleigh' (18 Prout
Bridge) formerly occupied by the Hann family and two of those rebuilt by C&A Hann to replace those destroyed by the 1894 flood

Full details of the latest sales detail
and photographs of these
properties can be seen at
12 (ground floor) - October 2016
Rightmove website
12 (first floor) - October 2012 - Rightmove
18 - December 2007 -
20 - May 2002 -
Rightmove website
24 - August 2010 -
Rightmove website
26 - July 2017
A rough freehand
representation of an advertisement for C&A Hann that appeared in 1898


Charles Hann in 1869 when a young
founder member of the newly formed Beaminster Volunteers, 1st Dorset
Rifle Volunteer Corps

Albert Hann circa 1920
Albert's children
Albert Percy "Tommy", Cecil Collins, Edith
Constance and Arthur Ernest,

Albert Percy with one of his many cars
he raced and developed under the name 'Tommy' Hann
Two of Charles's children
Charles Carpenter and Florence Sarah
Google Maps URL for 36 Bernard Gardens, where Edith Constance died in 1979