This part of my site is dedicated to all members of my branch of the Hann family; throughout the world, together with elements of related families and their relationships to each other. I have not included anybody that I know to be still alive and have used information that I have gathered over the years from a number of primarily public sources but also other members of the wider Hann family.
It is not my intention to cause offence by the inclusion of any of the data concerned. If this is the case please contact me and I shall arrange for amendments to be made.
If you are able to add anything to the data included in the site and are willing to share it with others, please contact me also.
Under charts (above) I have included links to five charts - those of John Hann of Dalwood (born ca 1655) from whom my branch of the family are descended Thomas Hann (born ca 1745) who was the ancestor of a branch in Bridport Thomas Hann (born ca 1769) who was the ancestor of the branch in Wootton Fitzpaine William Hann (born ca 1788) who was the ancestor of the branch in Thorncombe Matthew Catchlove, believed ancestor of my paternal grandmother's branch of the Catchlove family of West Sussex
The Hanns should be related but, as yet, I have not found the link.
My heartfelt thanks to the following members of the Hann family
Jenny Jordan in New Zealand
Barbara Dean (née Hann) in East Devon
Fifth cousin John Hann in Winchester
Dave Picton and fourth cousin Peter Robert Hann, both in Ashford, Kent
Sixth cousin Sylvia Phyllis Bear in Perth (WA), Brigitte Miller in Old Bar (NSW), sixth cousin Anthony Peter Hann and Sherry Gregory all in Australia
Helen Doble in West Dorset
the late William Henry Hann of Bridport
the late Edmund Philip Hann and Ronald James Hann, both of Southampton
Sylvia Pitcher and fourth cousin Barbara Harvey (née Hann)
and Colin Sims in Chideock, Dorset
for their generous permission to use personal memorabilia
also to The War Graves Photographic Project (
If you wish to add a contribution, please feel free to contact me
The data included in this site is the result of many years' effort. I share it willingly, but solely for the purposes of genealogical research and would ask that should you use any of it, you are kind enough to mention this site. I and my fellow contributors reserve copyright on the contents. Nothing may be used for commercial purposes